Donate & Spread The Word

Share this website (save with your friends, family, neighbors, and fellow Pier 40 users. 

Donate to the P3 GoFundMe legal expense and capital improvements campaign. 

Let everyone know what's at stake and encourage them to take action.

Follow us on Instagram and be sure to share our posts using #SaveP3Pier40. Be sure to tag your local representatives and the HRPT to amplify your message.

Click on the orange buttons below for more information and to take action TODAY!

Spread the word and Donate!

Share this website ( with your family, friends, neighbors and fellow Pier 40 users. Donate to the P3 GoFundMe legal expenses and capital improvements campaign. 

Every voice matters.
HRPT and the Community Board need to hear how important P3 is to our local community. (If you already wrote one to CB2, we have your letter and will forward to HRPT).  Click above to see who the emails should go to as well as a few sample letters.

The community must be heard!
Our community is coming together to show support for P3 on March 5th at 6:15 PM at 75 Morton (the Morton St. school). This is our moment to stand up and speak out.   Click here to let us know you will attend and for more information.